Yearly Archives: 2018

6 posts

Office 365 Events From Email — No Thanks!

At 3:49 AM, I received the following e-mail from AT&T.  These “Your bill is ready” e-mails from service providers are one of my favorite kinds of SPAM.  This is just branding, and they can get away with not having an unsubscribe link in the email since it’s transaction related.  I […]

Get Rid Of Your Verizon Fios Router

It’s no secret that the Verizon supplied router and wireless access point has limited capabilities.  When I first got Verizon Fios at home, the router was free.  Now they make you pay for it. Even if you put your own router at the head of your network, you still need […]

Beware of Spear Phishing Attempts

Beware of attackers trying to steal your passwords and other personal data. Here we can see a innocent-enough looking email saying that someone you know sent you a file securely. In our case, the email was supposedly from the recipient’s boss using ShareFile, which is a legitimate service that they […]