
80 posts

Comcast “Security Edge Package” Generates Browser Warnings on Redirects due to Self-Signed Certificate on Cisco Router

We recently ran into a strange issue at a customer location: every http/s redirect would generate a browser certificate error.  In every case, the destination URL had a valid certificate.   Turns out the Cisco router behind the Comcast device had an expired, self-signed certificate.  Despite generating a new self-signed […]

Microsoft 365 Forwarding Mail to External Domains

The default behavior for Microsoft 365 is to allow users to forward mail to internal recipients only.  The setting “Automatic forwarding” controls this. Security > Policies & rules > Threat Policies > Anti-spam policies > Anti-spam outbound policy (Default) The problem, however, is the Outlook Web Interface will still allow […]

WiFi Temperature Monitor & Probe with Email Alerts

Have a freezer in the garage?  How much would it cost you if it stopped working?  Have a vacation house?  Surely you want to monitor its temperature to avoid frozen pipes in the winter. Connect this inexpensive monitor to your WiFi and you’ll get e-mail alerts if thresholds are exceeded.  […]